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This method for marimba is designed to develop the various movements with 4 beaters, and at the same time encourage a really musical responseThe warm-up and exercises that follow are essential to the process of learning and assimilating the short pieces With the help of the teacher, the beginner will play them slowly and with concentration, taking care to relax the shoulders and forearms, and keeping the wrists very flexible To begin with, it is preferable if the exercises are played one hand at a time until the movements become more accurate All the movements are illustrated and described on pages 3 and 4This method has already shown itself to be effective in helping young marimba players to develop a quality of sound and sense of phrasing To achieve this it is important that they express themselves musically with the support of a sound basic technique and by drawing inspiration from the title of each pieceTo all students and teachers working with this collection I wish the best of luck and much enjoymentSt_phane Borel